Title Page with author information
This journal adheres to a single-blinded peer-review policy. The title page should be included in the main document. The title page should list:
- The article title
- All authors: full name, department, affiliation
- Corresponding author: full name, degrees, department, affiliation, mailing address, e-mail address

The Article
The abstract should briefly outline the content of the article and any conclusions it may reach. The keywords should be words a reader would be likely to use in searching for the content of the article.
Original Articles, Systematic Reviews, Meta-analyses, Short Review, Statements and Position Papers: the abstracts should be a maximum of 300 words and structured in the following format:
- Background and Purpose: One or two sentences that simply state purpose and background information.
- Methods: Provide details about the methods of the study, including data analysis.
- Results: Present most important findings of the study. Please provide numbers (means with standard deviations or medians with ranges) to support your findings, and results of significance tests, e.g. p-values.
- Conclusions: One or two sentences that state only what your study identified and actually demonstrated.
Please do not include comments or information not supported by the data of your study. Level of evidence (for human studies) or clinical relevance (basic science in-vitro or in-vivo study: why is this study important from a clinical standpoint?) should be noted.
For the number of figures/tables and references, see the manuscript format article types table. - Case Report: the abstract should be an unstructured summary (maximum length, 200 words).
- Key Words: Please provide at least 4 key words for indexing.
- The text should be structured in the standard IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion) format.
- Papers including human or animal subjects must include a statement of approval by appropriate agencies in the text.
- Use generic names of drugs or devices. If a particular brand was used in a study, insert the brand name along with the name and location of the manufacturer in parentheses after the generic name when the drug or device is first mentioned in the text.
- Quantities and units should be expressed in accordance with the recommendations of the International System of Units (SI).
- When abbreviations are used, give the full term followed by the abbreviation in parentheses the first time it is mentioned in the text.
- Please clearly distinguish the hierarchy of headings within the manuscript by using capital letters, underline and bold style as necessary.
- Do not insert page or section breaks except where noted in the Author Instructions.
- Use hard returns (the Enter key) only at the end of a paragraph, not at the end of a line. Allow lines of text to break automatically in your word-processing software. Do not justify your text.
- Use only one space, not two, after periods.
- Create tables using the Table function in Microsoft Word.

Figures and Tables
- Figures must be cited sequentially in the main document, must be saved separately from the main document
- Figure captions should include a description of the figure and/or each lettered part (A, B, etc.) and of any portions of the figure highlighted by arrows, arrowheads, asterisks, etc.
- For a figure borrowed or adapted from another publication (used with permission), add a credit line in parentheses at the end of each figure legend. This credit line should be a complete bibliographic listing of the source publication (as a reference), or other credit line as supplied by the copyright holder. For example (Reprinted with permission from Calfee DR, Wispelwey B. Brain abscess. Semin Neurol 2000;20:357.)
- Must be saved separately from the main document
- Patient permission is required if you plan include a photograph of a patient
- Data given in tables should be commented on but not repeated in the text. Be sure that lists or columns of related data are composed in a word-processing program like the rest of the text.
- Tables must be double-spaced and numbered in the same sequence they are cited in the text. A short descriptive title should be provided for each table.
- Any abbreviations used in the table should be explained at the end of the table in a footnote.

- Must be cited sequentially in AMA style
The detailed guidelines are available here. Once your article is ready proceed with the submission!
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