Editorial, 003⁠–003 | DOI: 10.53260/ego.191011

Fallopian tube and endometriosis: an ambiguous relationship


Background: The Fallopian tube, or oviduct, plays an essential role in mammalian reproduction. Endometriosis affects 2 to 10% of women of reproductive age. Infertility and nulliparity are regarded as risk factors for endometriosis, therefore an increased prevalence of this affliction in the population of infertile women may be expected. The literature shows that endometriosis affects 30% to 68% of infertile women. However, its prevalence varies considerably depending on the type of infertility (i.e. male or female), the presence of chronic pelvic pain, and whether or not a previous exploratory laparoscopy was performed. The effects of endometriosis on fertility are still debated. While the impact of moderate or severe endometriosis on fertility is well established, especially in the presence of adhesions, the role of minimal or mild lesions, which are the most common in infertile women, is still controversial. Therefore, different possible underlying mechanisms have been proposed, including tubal alterations associated with endometriosis. Conclusion: Tubal pathologies have an influence on fertility in these patients. This short review analyzes the effect of tubal endometriosis on fertility.


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Citation: Audebert A.,Timmermans M.,Lismonde A.,Brichant G.,Nisolle M., Fallopian tube and endometriosis: an ambiguous relationship, EGO European Gynecology and Obstetrics (2019); 2019/01:018⁠–023 doi: 10.53260/ego.191014

Published: September 2, 2019

ISSUE 2019/01

Editorial, 003⁠–003 | DOI: 10.53260/ego.191011