Building better babies: should choline supplementation be recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers? Literature overview and expert panel consensus


Accumulating evidence confirms choline as a critical, essential perinatal nutrient. Choline contributes to fetal and infant brain development with possible lifelong effects on cognitive function. Maternal choline supply supports placental health and reduces the risk of birth defects. Further, choline is involved in gene regulation during growth and development. Despite these apparent health benefits, choline intake in many pregnant and lactating women is insufficient. While US obstetricians and gynecologists are encouraged to recommend choline supplementation, their peers in Europe are less familiar with its importance. We provide an overview of the evidence and seek interpretation from an expert panel.



Citation: A. Caudill M.,Obeid R.,Derbyshire E.,Bernhard W.,Lapid K.,J. Walker S.,et al. Building better babies: should choline supplementation be recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers? Literature overview and expert panel consensus, EGO European Gynecology and Obstetrics (2020); 2020/03:149⁠–161

Published: July 1, 2020

ISSUE 2020/03